F.A.S.T. resources

F.A.S.T. resources


Free resources to help recognise the signs of stroke.

F.A.S.T. material (PDFs) can be downloaded here:

A2 FAST poster English

A3 FAST poster English

A4 FAST poster English

A4 FAST poster Māori

A4 FAST poster Cook Island Māori

A4 FAST poster Samoan

A4 FAST poster Tongan

FAST flyer English

FAST flyer Māori


F.A.S.T. tiles for social media, square (right click > save image as)

Face Arm speech Take action more info


F.A.S.T. digital banners, landscape (right click > save image as)

Face Arm Speech Take Action F.A.S.T. ad

F.A.S.T. digital banners, portrait (right click > save image as)

Face banner Arm banner Speech banner Take action banner website banner


Email banner (long format)

Email banner (tall format)


A number of F.A.S.T. resources including posters, t-shirts, fridge magnets and banners are available to order online via online form, or get in touch via email at strokenz@stroke.org.nz




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