
Voicing your concerns and/or making a complaint about our service

February 2016 

Why complain?

If you are unhappy with the service you receive from the Stroke Foundation, you can voice your concerns and/or make a formal complaint. It is helpful if this happens as soon as possible after the event.

The rights of everyone using a health and disability service are protected by the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights. The Code is provided by your community stroke advisor and 
also available on the Health and Disability Commission website.

The Stroke Foundation takes your complaints seriously. It takes fair and prompt action with each complaint. This is an opportunity to look carefully at how we do things and to improve the way we provide our services. 

Our aim is to provide a common sense solution for all people involved. As appropriate the Stroke Foundation will take action to ensure the situation does not happen again.

How to voice your concern and/or make a complaint

You can voice your concern and make a complaint directly to the Stroke Foundation or you can use the free advocacy service provided by the Office of the Health and Disability Commissioner. 

1. Directly to the Stroke Foundation 

  • To begin with we suggest you voice your concern directly to the person who provided the service to you.  You could telephone, text, email or write to this person.  Your concerns can be discussed and hopefully resolved to your satisfaction.
  • If you are still not satisfied or you do not feel able to talk to them, you can make a formal complaint directly to the Stroke Foundation Regional Manager. See details of regional offices or phone 0800 78 76 53.
  • We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days after we receive it. And then within the next 10 days we will let you know what action has been taken or if further investigation is needed.
  • If your complaint is about a Regional Manager or your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction you should make your complaint to:

Jo Lambert, Chief Executive Officer 
Stroke Foundation of New Zealand 
PO Box 12482, Wellington
Ph: 0800 78 76 53
2. With the support of a Health and Disability advocate 

If you want support to make your complaint, there is a free advocacy service to help you. Phone the Office of the Health and Disability Commissioner 0800 11 22 33.  They also have copies of the Code - 
these can be downloaded from their website if you prefer.   

The Health and Disability Commissioner
PO Box 1791,
0800 11 22 33

If you feel your privacy has been breached please contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner directly. 

The Privacy Commissioner
PO Box 466, Auckland 1
Ph 0800 803 909

How would you like us to contact you?

Please help us today

Stroke devastates lives. 
Help us rebuild the lives of New Zealanders who experience the impact of stroke. Together, we can give them hope.
