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Gift in wills

How would you like to be remembered? A gift in your will can help transform lives and leave a lasting legacy.

Woman smiling

In New Zealand, in your own local community, the reality is that one in four of us will have a stroke – maybe even someone you love. Stroke is New Zealand’s second biggest killer and is a leading cause of adult disability. And the number of people experiencing strokes continues to rise.

But with your help that can change.

Imagine a world where stroke no longer devastates lives, and everyone knows the risk factors and the signs of stroke. A world where stroke survivors can access timely, effective treatment that maximises their ability to recover fully. Where survivors have support throughout their entire recovery and are never left feeling alone.

A gift to Stroke Aotearoa New Zealand in your will is a gift of hope. No matter the size, your gift will reduce the number of people who experience a stroke. Your gift will provide stroke survivors with access to the treatment and support they need to make a meaningful recovery and live a full life after stroke. Your gift will help Aotearoa to be a healthier, more equitable place.

Download your free information pack here

If you already have a will

If you would like to include a gift to Stroke Aotearoa New Zealand in your existing will, you can make a simple modification by adding a codicil (a supplement that is intended to alter or modify a will). To make sure that your codicil is legal, we recommend it is done through your legal advisor.

If you don’t yet have a will

Every adult should have a valid and current will. It can give you peace of mind, knowing that your wishes for family, friends and causes that are important to you have been identified and will be carried out after your death.

There are many benefits to having a will, beyond being able to support your loved ones and favourite causes without feeling any financial day-to-day impact.

  • Protect your family from financial and emotional stress
  • Give your belongings to people who will treasure them
  • Put guardianship plans in place, including your pets
  • Give instructions on your funeral wishes
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Create your will for free

We've partnered with Gathered Here to offer our supporters a free online will. It’s safe, secure, and in just 10 minutes, you can make important preparations for your family and make sure your estate will be distributed in accordance with your wishes.

Get in touch

If you are considering leaving a gift in your will or if you would like to talk in confidence about what is involved and how your gift can help Stroke Aotearoa, please get in touch.   And, if you are intending to leave a gift in your will to Stroke Aotearoa, we would love to know. We do not need to know the details; we only want to thank you and to acknowledge your generous giving during your lifetime.  To talk to us about leaving a gift in your will, you can send an email to, phone 0800 459 954, or write in confidence to Jo Prestwood at