F.A.S.T. workplace toolkit
Build your own F.A.S.T. information training session by choosing and downloading the guides, factsheets, videos and meeting aids you need.

We have developed this practical toolkit based on best practice health promotion principles. Our toolkit includes a wide range of items that can be used by any business, no matter how big or small. Simply build your own F.A.S.T. information training session by choosing and downloading the guides, factsheets, videos and meeting aids you need. You can also find a range of inspirational F.A.S.T. stories on our website.
Together we can give all New Zealanders the best chance of recovery after a stroke.
Workplace toolkit documents
This file contains documents that will be useful for holding a F.A.S.T. training workshop within your workplace.

F.A.S.T. resources
Visit our resource hub for a variety of images and posters that will help your team to recognise the signs of stroke using the F.A.S.T. message.
F.A.S.T. videos and presentations
These videos may be useful in planning your workplace's F.A.S.T. training workshop.