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Young stroke survivors group

Caring for a family member or a friend who has had a stroke can be a rewarding experience. However, it can also be physically and emotionally exhausting.

Edna family and stroke 2023
Table of upcoming webinars and local seminars
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About Young Stroke Survivors

Caring for a family member or a friend who has had a stroke can be a rewarding experience. However, it can also be physically and emotionally exhausting.

Through the experience and insights of other unpaid carers and our Community Stroke Navigators, these seminars and webinars will provide you with tools and ideas to maintain your own wellbeing and deal more effectively with your role as a carer.

What we hope you will gain:

  • An understanding that you are not alone and that finding the role stressful and challenging is normal and a natural process
  • Background to the breadth of issues a carer may be dealing with
  • Practical tips about how to navigate your way as smoothly as possible through each phase of the carer journey (Hospital / rehabilitation, living back at home, transition to respite or residential care)
  • An overview of coping mechanisms that have worked well for others
  • The opportunity to meet others who are caring for someone after stroke.
Join our Facebook group for regular updates & to hear about upcoming events.

Resources for tamariki and rangatahi

Seeing your mum, dad or a loved one after a stroke is hard, and you might feel stressed or worried about lots of things.

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