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Stroke Aotearoa New Zealand

Stroke Aotearoa New Zealand is here to lead the fight against stroke, helping all of New Zealand to prevent stroke and improve lives.

Te Punawai checking blood pressure

What is a stroke?

A stroke is a sudden interruption of blood flow to part of the brain, causing it to stop working and eventually damaging brain cells.

Brain sculpture

Support available after stroke

You don’t have to go through stroke recovery alone. This page outlines the support and services available to you and your whānau after you have been discharged from the hospital.

Bec in the van

High blood pressure

High blood pressure is the number one modifiable risk factor for stroke. Control your blood pressure and reduce your risk of stroke.

Blood Pressure

Community stroke navigators

Our Community Stroke Navigators (Kaiārahi) are specialists in providing support to people affected by stroke.

Community Stroke Navigators group photo
tax certificate

Your annual tax certificate is coming!

If you are one of our incredible donors who give every month, your tax certificate will be with you mid April - in plenty of time for you to claim your tax rebate. 

You have helped prevent stroke, improve outcomes for stroke survivors and save lives. Thank you for your support - we couldn't do it without you!

Stroke stories

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It’s a No-Brainer: Why Charlotte Raised $18,000 for Stroke Aotearoa New Zealand

In 2023, Charlotte Koers held a fundraising quiz night and raised $12,700 for Stroke Aotearoa New Zealand. In 2024, she did it again, raising another $5300.

Charlotte Koers at her It's a No-Brainer fundraiser.

Patrick Takurua's story

Patrick Takurua shares why he's running the Wellington Round the Bays half-marathon this month and fundraising for Stroke Aotearoa.

Patrick Takurua and gran

Sue Waight's story

Sue Waight shares her story with us and the published book; Dad’s Turn to Learn – Stroke Book for Children, that she’s recently published.

Sue Waight

Dave Matthews' story

Dave Matthews' story is a testament to the fact that stroke survivors can't always access the critical care they need.

Man walking dog on the beach
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FAST banner

Learn the main signs of stroke and to act F.A.S.T. by calling 111 if you suspect a stroke.

Latest news

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Free helpline for people affected by stroke

Call 0800 STROKE (0800 78 76 53) for free support and guidance.

Emma M Community Stroke Navigator

Helping keep Te Ahi Tūmanako, The Flame of Hope, alight

A new look and feel for the Stroke Foundation.

2025 SM Facebook 940Wx7883

Stroke Survivor to Run Length of Everest to Support the Stroke Foundation

A man whose stroke landed him in a wheelchair is now planning to run the equivalent of Mount Everest to raise awareness of stroke and support the Stroke Foundation of New Zealand.

Mark Ford

Benefits of working

What first springs when you think about work? Take a second and see what you come up with - other than money! Below we'll explore 5 key benefits to returning to work.

Working man
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Blood pressure check

Free blood pressure checks in your community

Stroke affects thousands of New Zealanders. You can lower your risk by getting regular blood pressure checks, making healthy lifestyle choices, and learning more about stroke.